Mexico & Belize exchange experiences on protected area management

As part of the cross-border activities among countries that share the Selva Maya, staff and brigade members of the Corozal Sustainable Future Initiative (CSFI) in Belize and the Área de Protección de Flora y Fauna de ​​Bala’an K’aax (APFFBK) in Mexico, exchanged strategies for monitoring, surveillance and sustainable use of natural resources, within protected areas between March 13 to 16, 2018.

The participants from CSFI shared with the APFFBK their experiences in the implementation of permanent monitoring plots as well as basic notions and recommendations for the restoration of vegetation areas. On the other hand, the beekeepers / rangers of Bala’an K’aax transmitted knowledge and practices on organic beekeeping, including recommendations for the installation of an apiary, organic management techniques for pest control, bee feeding and honey harvesting. Among other activities, the participants carried out practices in the establishment of patrol points and routes with GPS equipment, which facilitate surveillance and monitoring in their areas.

These spaces for dialogue foster peer-to-peer learning through the exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices. At the end of the event, the teams of both countries thanked each other for the successful and fruitful development of the exchange and it was agreed to maintain a continuous communication. They also emphasized their willingness to provide reciprocal advice on the topics of permanent monitoring plots and organic bee production.