Why to do co-working?

Why to do coworking?


The Selva Maya, due to its extension and biological diversity is one of the most outstanding tropical ecosystems in America. It provides invaluable ecosystem services: water, oxygen, food, building materials, landscapes, among others.

The abundance of resources makes this forest massif a very attractive spot. On a productive point of view, farmers and livestock producers look for spaces to raise their herds or establish crops, having to cut down forest areas to do so. Related to trade, the traffic of wood, species of flora and fauna or coal, means economic profits. Thinking about tourism, the beauty of the landscape by the richness of vegetation, archaeological sites and bodies of water attracts nationals and foreigners. At the ecological level, public and private entities that protect the environment have been implementing conservation and sustainable resources use projects in the region for some time.


This confluence of people, but mainly of interests, sets the Selva Maya under constant pressure. The common search is the achievement of different kinds of satisfiers. Some seek to cover basic needs such as housing or food; others are oriented towards obtaining economic income derived from the exploitation and trade of the forest’s resources; some others seek the fulfillment of environmental ideals.

The biggest challenge is to ensure that all these satisfiers are met, but even more, that these are done in a sustainable manner. With such different, even opposing interests, it is necessary to reach a point where everyone, or at least the majority, is satisfied. Presumably, it is in everyone’s interest that the space in which they reach their satisfiers remains available as long as possible; however, it is important to insist that everyone sees it this way.


The presence of some non-governmental and civil society organizations in the Selva Maya responds to the intention that this ecosystem should remain and be used for the benefit of everyone, but also for the generations to come. Changing the mindset to carry out sustainable ways of production and use of resources takes a long time.

Between 2005 and 2010, the German Cooperation carried out the exchange of notes with the governments of Belize, Guatemala and Mexico to implement projects concerning the priorities, in terms of sustainable development, of these countries, reaching an agreement of understanding that set the institutional basis for its execution.

Since then, four regional projects have been implemented; three in operation and one recently completed in December 2019.

  • Protection and sustainable use of the Selva Maya Project (2011-2019, GIZ)
  • Selva Maya natural resources protection Project (2017-2021, UICN/KfW)
  • Support for the monitoring of biodiversity and climate change in the Selva Maya Project(2016-2021, GIZ)
  • Strengthening the regional strategic and operational cooperation for the protection of the Selva Maya Project (2020-2022, GIZ)


Hand in hand with the government institutions in charge of managing Protected Areas in the three countries, since 2011 the protection and sustainable use of resources in the Selva Maya has been promoted, through capacity building and political advocacy through key actors and decision makers.

Given the confluence of many interests that prevail over the Selva Maya, the best response is a synergy of actions executed by official counterparts, key partners, civil society organizations, and any entity that recognizes the importance of safeguarding an ecosystem as valuable as the Selva Maya.