Imagine a web platform where any person, scientist or citizen, with an interest in biological diversity, can interact and share photos and data of plants and animals; a social network for nature lovers…
It is well known that the contribution of the society to scientific research has grown in recent years. Citizens therefore also have an important role to play in monitoring biological diversity. In particular, the eBird tool or the Spanish version AVerAves,
The X Regional Fire Management Forum was held in the city of Campeche in collaboration with the General Directorate of Geomatics of the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO). During the forum interactive platforms on hot spots
Thanks to the mutual interest of collaborating in the exchange of experiences and technology transfer between CONAP’s Monitoring and Evaluation Center, Guatemala (CEMEC) and CONABIO’s technical advisors, a working session was held on January the 22nd in Mexico City,