Bulletin published by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), available on: https://www.iucn.org/es/news/mexico-america-central-y-el-caribe/201811/areas-protegidas-herramientas-para-la-integracion-y-el-desarollo
Natural Protected Areas
3 posts
Developed by international conservation NGOs, the Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool (SMART) is a software designed for the management of protected areas. It combines a database with Geographic Information (GIS) modules with analysis and reporting tools to facilitate data collection and use of this information for efficient adaptive management of […]
The Advisory Councils (CA) of the Natural Protected Areas in Mexico, are constituted as spaces for participation and social inclusion in order to support and advise the management of these natural areas in the implementation of their management programs, as well as to promote their administrative effectiveness. The CAs are […]