Results: Project Protection and Sustainable use of the Selva Maya

In order to disseminate the experiences and lessons learnt of the Project Protection and Sustainable Use of the Selva Maya, a selection of the systematized cooperation initiatives developed during the project can be downloaded

Find the complete document here.

Or the different sections of which it is composed, in the links below.

Factsheet of the Project Protection and Sustainable Use of the Selva Maya

Thematic Line 1. Protected areas and biodiversity

Institutional review of the Forest Department, Belize

Responsible stewardship of the natural resources of Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary (Belize)

Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation system in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala

Strengthening capacities in biological diversity, environmental legislation and sustainable tourism in Petén, Guatemala

Integrated Fire Management in Protected Areas, Guatemala

Muuch Kanaan K’aax community surveillance network, Bala’an K’aax, Mexico

Thematic Line 2. Land use planning under consideration of the environment

Promotion of territorial planning in Poptún, Guatemala

Support for certified conservation models in Calakmul, Mexico

Promotion of local governance for conservation, CMDRS of Calakmul, Mexico

Strengthening tourism as a strategy for Territorial Planning, Calakmul, Mexico

Community participation in the management of the Bala’an K’aax Protected Area, Mexico

Territorial Planning for the municipal development of Calakmul, Mexico

Thematic Line 3. Sustainable income generating alternatives

Agroecological transition for the protection of the Maya Mountain Massif, Belize

Promotion of the Ramón seed value chain, Petén, Guatemala

Promotion of the Beekeeping sector in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala

Promotion of the Chicle sector in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala

Promoters of integral rural development, Petén, Guatemala

Integrated Silvopastoral Systems, Petén, Guatemala

Model for certified sustainable products and services in Calakmul, Mexico

Promotion of the organic honey value chain at Bala’an K’aax Protected Area, Mexico

Thematic Line 4. Environmental governance in the Selva Maya region

Fostering regional governance of the Selva Maya, the Operative Coordination Group (GOC)

Strengthening regional cooperation, the Strategic Coordination Group (GEC)