Technical Communicators of the Selva Maya

Some will think that environmental conservation has little relation to social communication. However, when impacts such as ecosystem degradation occur rapidly, there are often no effort or resources to address that. This is why, those of us who live in the Selva Maya should be concerned and involved in such efforts.

Regocnizing the potential that communication has to raise awareness regarding the threats that the region faces, the importance of conserving species, and to motivate actions that mitigate the impact of climate change, the “Technical Communicators of the Selva Maya” formed, which aims to influence, on a regional level, public opinion, decision-makers and society at large.

Between June and September 2019, the representatives from the communication areas of CONAP and MARN of Guatemala, CONANP and CONABIO of Mexico, and the Forest and Environment Department of Belize have initiated the first steps to identify the areas of synergistic collaboration with concrete actions plans focused on raising awareness and environmental education.