28th Anniversary of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala

On February 5, 1990, the Maya Biosphere Reserve (RBM), the largest Protected Area in Guatemala, with an area of ​​21,602.04 km² was declared. It occupies the northern half of the Department of Petén in Gautemala.

To commemorate the 28th Anniversary of the RBM, on February 23 a parade was held in the streets of San Benito and Santa Elena. The event was attended by the executive secretary of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP), the mayor of the municipality of Flores, the Deputy Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources and school bands among others. The day culminated with the inauguration of the new offices of CONAP and a fleet of vehicles destined to the protection and surveillance of the natural and cultural resources of the RBM.

On February 27, in Uaxactún, an additoinal event was held that included folkloric acts dedicated to nature, regional music, motivational words by the representatives of the invited institutions and a touristic tour of the archaeological site that protects the community of Uaxactún. The Association of Forest Communities of Petén (ACOFOP), the Departmental Government and CONAP, joined this event. Wilson Guzmán Heredia from CONAP declared: “Today we are celebrating 28 years of conservation… with the effort of all we could celebrate another 28 years to protect the integral diversity of the Maya Biosphere Reserve”. For his part Marcedonio Cortave, Executive Director of ACOFOP, said: “The Maya Biosphere Reserve has put Guatemala in a very high place … today and always we say with great honor that we are a reference for the planet. Hopefully, the Maya Biosphere Reserve will continue in a good state of conservation, thanks to the forest management model of community governance”.