Training of CONAP-Petén staff and partner organizations

The Department of Education and Development of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP), Peten Region, has a Training Plan aimed at specific target groups. Among others, this plan has the objective of transmitting content of the Manual de Guardarecursos so that technicians and forest rangers can effectively deal with aspects related to the management of wildlife, natural and cultural importance of protected areas, extensionism, forest patrol, monitoring, conflict resolution, forest fires, first aid and others. The implementation of the Plan is supported by the Selva Maya Program of the German Cooperation / GIZ.

As part of this, from July 25 to 27, 2018, the training course of the Manual de Guardarecursos was held, focusing on instructing institutional mandates: importance of the protection and sustainable management of natural and cultural resources existing in and around the protected areas; extensionism with communities for the transformation of socio-environmental conflicts; attention to wildlife’ illicits; monitoring of biological diversity; patrolling and implementation of campaigns for the prevention and control of forest fires.

The course-workshop was held in the facilities of the Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park, with the participation of 58 forest rangers and technicians of the national Parks of Sierra del Lacandón, Laguna del Tigre, Mirador-Río Azul, Complex I, II, III and IV of the Protected Areas of southern Peten; as well as participants of the Institute of Anthropology and History of the Ministry of Culture and Sports (IDAEH / MICUDE), and representatives of the Peten Conservation Units of the Center for Conservation Studies of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala.