Institutional strengthening of technical capacities for environmental communication in the Selva Maya

Communicating relevant information to both citizens and political decision makers is part of the conservation and sustainable development efforts of the government institutions that protect the Selva Maya. To strengthen its work in this strategic task, the GIZ Project Support for the monitoring of biodiversity and climate change in the Selva Maya held eight online workshops on communication techniques from May to June, with the aim of strengthening the conception, development and implementation of environmental communication campaigns and products among counterparts and strategic partners in Belize, Guatemala and Mexico.

With a strong emphasis on strategic communication, this initiative promoted regional cooperation and capacity building of relevant actors and facilitated the exchange of experiences in the field of biodiversity and climate change monitoring. It also fostered the development of communication products aimed at political institutions at different levels, seeking to enable them to make evidence-based decisions.

The topics of the workshops included writing resources, audiovisual production, content design, communication campaigns and use of databases for monitoring, all with an environmental perspective. A total of 96 representatives from the three countries participated in this event. In the short term, it is expected that participants will replicate, improve and/or reorient the capacities in their communication areas, making use of this institutional strengthening initiative.