The Management Skills Diploma concludes

With the objective of providing tools to improve both the management within its own institutions and interinstitutional coordination and cooperation in favor of the conservation of the natural resources of the Tri-national Selva Maya (Belize, Guatemala and Mexico), it was aimed at people with potential leadership in the Selva Maya region, the Diploma in Managing Competencies for Effective Leadership.

To facilitate the participation of actors from the three countries, the Diploma was carried out in the country of Belize. It was atended by 24 diplomats who mainly came from the governmental counterparts of the Selva Maya Program, as well as civil society organizations. The Diploma has a duration of 150 theoretical-practical hours, distributed in 6 modules, developed between July 2016 and February 2017.

Among other results this training process allowed:

  1. Participants may recognize the Selva Maya is an important initiative of territorial development, with which they feel identified and committed, where the sense of identity and belonging to the Selva Maya is strengthened
  2. To strengthen the cooperation systems in favor of the Selva Maya through strategic alliances
  3. The institutions represented take joint responsibility in the implementation of concrete actions in the Selva Maya, both those already underway and the new ones.