2nd Ramón nut Festival in Chetumal, Quintana Roo

As part of the strengthening of the ramon nut value chain in Quintana Roo, the Selva Maya Program / GIZ, in coordination with the Sociogénesis Association and the Raíces de la Cocina Group, held the second edition of the “Ramon Festival” which aimed to promote and develop the local and regional market of ramon nut (Brosimum alicastrum), with the purpose of supporting work groups that undertake productive projects with an scheme of social economy in several communities of Quintana Roo, providing them sustainable alternatives for the conservation of the Maya forest.

Among the activities of the festival we found the sale of products derived from the ramon nut such as ramon coffee, tea, flour, breads and cookies, among others. Likewise, it was shared the conference “Ramon tree supporting the National Crusade against Hunger” by Ph. D Alfonso Larqué Saavedra, from the Center for Scientific Research of Yucatan. In addition, a gastronomic competition was held where students of gastronomy of the Chetumal Technological Institute participated.

The event took place on 28th May, with more than 200 people attending. This kind of events seeks to raise awareness of the cultural, economic and social importance of this ancestral tree.