9th Working meeting of the trinational Operative Coordination Group (GOC) for the Conservation of the Selva Maya

Continuity in the work of the Operative Coordination Group (GOC), contributes to regional environmental governance. During its 9th working meeting, held in Chetumal, Mexico, on October 24 and 25, 2019, the progress of the activities carried out during the year was reviewed and work plans and action lines were elaborated within the framework of the integral Selva Maya Strategy 2030.

The meeting was attended by the directors and subdirectors of governmental Protected Areas and civil society organizations, which make up the forest massif Selva Maya.

Among the topics addressed by the GOC for review and approval were the following: a) Report on the activities foreseen in the Work Plan 2019; b) Development of the Work Plan 2020; c) Report on the activities within the Latin American Congress of Protected Areas, in which progress  and challenges of cross-boarder cooperation were presented; d) Closure of the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Selva Maya Project; e) Reflections on areas of opportunity to continue strengthening coordination at the regional level.

It is envisaged that the following steps will be taken in the first months of next year: 1) Consolidation of the Selva Maya 2020 Work Plan; 2) socialization and validation of the Integral Strategy of the Selva Maya 2030 in the three countries together with an institutional endorsement.