Climate Data Monitoring in the Selva Maya

With the support of the Regional Committee for Water Resources of the Central American Integration System (CRRH-SICA), the first regional workshop on meteorological services in the Selva Maya was held in Guatemala City on February 21st , 2019. The objective was to identify collaboration potential and data exchange mechanisms to produce climate/ meteorological products of common interest to the three countries sharing the Selva Maya.

The workshop was attended by representatives from Guatemala (The National Institute of Seismology, Vulcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology – INSIVUMEH, The Monitoring and Evaluation Center of the National Council of Protected Areas in the region VIII, CEMEC/CONAP and The Wildlife Conservation Society, WCS), from Mexico (The National Meteorological Service, SMN and The National Commission of Protected Natural Areas, CONANP) and from Belize (The National Meteorological Service).

High expectations are placed on the cooperation between the meteorological services of all three countries and the GIZ Selva Maya programme, regarding the recovery and exchange of historical and current data and making it freely and easily available in near-real time. This will generate useful products for decision making in the short, medium and long term.