Calakmul celebrates its biological and cultural diversity

For the fourth time, on August 4, the National Day of Calakmul was celebrated, a site recognized by UNESCO as Mixed Cultural and Natural World Heritage, unique in Mexico in this category. The celebrations were coordinated by the City Council of Calakmul, the National Tourism Promotion Fund (FONATUR) and UN Habitat. Among the activities stand out the presentation of the Sello Colectivo Calakmul initiative, promotion of products and services, gastronomic exhibition based on ramón seed and signing of the Plan de Calakmul whose objective is to promote integral regional development.

In the same month, on the 16th, the National Bee Day Fair took place, coordinated by the Fund for Peace and supported by other civil organizations, municipal and federal government agencies and the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ). This very day a series of lectures was organized with topics such as: diversity of native bees, importance of honey and bee feeding techniques. Additionally, an apicultural project was presented at a junior high school, activities were offered for girls, boys and adolescents and bee products were sold.

Both celebrations highlight the importance of guarding the Selva Maya.