Incidents Control System Course (100-200)

From October 26 to 28th 2016, the SMI 100-200 course was held in the Shipstern Conservation & Managment Areas Reserve, Corozal District, Belize; with the objective of strengthening the Program of Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Selva Maya, specifically the Cooperation Strategy between the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (CONANP) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

The National Commission of Forestry (CONAFOR) in Mexico, through the Bureau of Fire Management, shared the technical part of the course, including trainers from the states of Quintana Roo, Campeche and Yucatan. The logistical and financing part was carried out by the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ Mexico).

The SMI 100-200 course was directed to personnel with operational responsibility for incidents in the natural protected areas of the Multinational Selva Maya (Mexico, Belize and Guatemala).

A total of 20 people from the three countries were trained by park rangers, field technicians and operational staff from the National Commission for Natural Protected Natural, the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve (CBR), the Flora and Fauna Protection Area of Bala’an Ka’ax and the Civil Protection Office of Calakmul Municipality (Mexico); the National Council of Protected Areas (Guatemala) and the Forest Department and the Shipstern Reserve (Belize).

The inauguration event was headed by Mr. Jorge Uribe from the German Cooperation Agency (GIZ), Mr. Jorge David Canul Balam as representative of CONAFOR and Mr. Miguel Alvaro Méndez from CONANP / CBR. During the event were announced the objectives of the course and the importance of personnel training from the three countries in the attention of incidents, as well.

This basic course aimed at strengthening the technical skills of participants, demonstrating basic knowledge of the SMI to be prepared to coordinate and respond to incidents.

This basic course aimed at strengthening the technical skills of participants, demonstrating basic knowledge of the SMI to be prepared to coordinate and respond to incidents.