Exchange visit Guatemala – Belize on Agrotourism experiences

In the framework of the Multiactor Alliance for the Development of Yaxha’s Integrated Farm, an exchange of visit to Belize on the topic of agrotourism was carried out early in August of this year. It was attended by the Guatemalan Ministry of Agriculture (MAGA) through the vice-minister of Affairs of Petén; The Yaxha-Nakum-Naranjo National Park Management; The Ministry of Culture, through the Directorate of Culturae and Natural Heritage; the municipality of Flores, Petén and the “Agua Verde” Joint Committee of the Yaxha community. The exchange was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment and Sustainable Development of Belize and the Selva Maya / GIZ Program.
The objective was to exchange experiences in agroecological activities, development of integrated farms and sustainable tourism. Fifteen people participated in this activity: technicians and community members part of the Association for the Sustainable Development of the Territory of Yaxha. The sites visited and topics discussed were:

Mr. George Cho’s Integral Farm: Integraded farm approach in pig and chicken raising, egg production and the establishment of fodder banks and hedge species to feed small livestock (pelibuey sheep).

Group of women artisans of the San Antonio community: Production of pottery and fabrics as well as the evolution of the group in the improvement of the quality of production and marketing.

Agroecological farm: Agricultural activities including the diversification of crops, the use of natural resources and production in greenhouses.

Blancaneaux Lodge: Vegetable production with soil conservation practices such as organic fertilizer production, vermiculture and terraces.

Fruit agroprocessing unit: Group of women, led by Mrs. Amparito Itzá, who process and pack fruit and food without chemical preservatives.

This tour has allowed participants to exchange experiences, expressing their knowledge and good practices as well as lessons learnt.