On March 30, the Trinational Planning Workshop of the Project for the Promotion of Monitoring of Biodiversity and Climate Change in the Selva Maya Region was held in Chetumal, Quintana Roo
SelvaMaya Oficina
With the objective of sharing work experiences for the conservation and sustainable use of non-timber products in the Selva Maya, as well as strengthening the collaboration synergies between key actors from Belize, Guatemala and Mexico, on March 29 and 30, 2017 was carried out a trinational meeting in the states […]
As a follow-up to the activities of the Strategic Coordination Group (SCG), which has already met twice in Chicaná, Campeche (2015) and Cancun, Quintana Roo (2016); on March 29, 2017, the third meeting was held in Chetumal , Quintana Roo
A visual approach to the great biological, historical and cultural wealth of the Selva Maya; as well as examples that demonstrate that it is possible to live with it, through the conservation and responsible use of its resources. Find them in the link: https://selvamaya.info/en/resources/films/
With the objective of providing tools to improve both the management within its own institutions and interinstitutional coordination and cooperation in favor of the conservation of the natural resources of the Tri-national Selva Maya (Belize, Guatemala and Mexico), it was aimed at people with potential leadership in the Selva Maya […]
At the end of January 2016, directors, deputy directors and technical staff from the bordering protected areas of the Selva Maya (Belize, Guatemala and Mexico), met in Belize to follow up on the 2016 Action Plan, exchange achievements and prepare the Operational Plan for 2017.
During the days from November 7 to 11th of 2016, the Fourth Trinational Selva Maya Guardians Exchange was held at El Muelle Hotel, El Remate, Petén, Guatemala. Since 2013 this meeting is an annual event; the first event took place in Santa Elena, Petén, Guatemala. On 2014 it was in […]
Territorial management involves actions promoting a sustainable use of the territory and the more rational use of the systems that compose it, to obtain certain goods and services. In this context, protected areas play a key role in conserving the productive base of natural resources and biological diversity. Territorial management must […]
“Calakmul, Natural and Cultural Heritage” In the framework of the First Calakmul Ecotourism Fair 2016 “Culture, Nature and Conservation”; the Technological University of Calakmul, the Tourism Bureau of the State of Campeche, the County Tourism Office of Calakmul, PRONATURA, The Calakmul Biosphere of CONANP and the Selva Maya Program […]
From August 23 to 26th of 2016, the experiences exchange was carried out in Guatemala between social actors from Mexico, Belize and Guatemala developing tourism projects and managing protected areas at the community or government level, in a sustainable way. The objective was to promote a better use of land […]
From June 27th to 30th, a visit was made by the Expert Coordinator of Sustainable Tourism from the German Agency for Cooperation (GIZ) in the municipality of Cozumel, Karola Tippmann, to the municipality of Calakmul with the objective of exchanging experiences on sustainable tourism with services providers, representatives of the […]