The Selva Maya, the second largest tropical rainforest in the Americas is shrinking by 30,000 hectares every year. In the last few months, rangers of this region have been using special software for monitoring more quickly illegal logging.
SelvaMaya Oficina
Based on the lines of action of the Comprehensive Fire Management Strategy of the State of Petén, Guatemala and within the framework of the Plan for the Prevention and Control of Forest Fires for the Season 2018-2019, of the Departmental Forest Fire Commission, from August 5 to 7, 2018, a […]
Bees provide essential ecosystem services; for example pollination without which the provision of agricultural products would be very complicated. To recognize the role of bees, besides promoting the development of good management practices and governance in the beekeeping sector, was the objective of the family activities of the National Bee […]
Living in the Selva Maya usually means cutting down the trees to make way for farming. At least it did — until now. A voluntary conservation project shows that you can live off the rainforest without destroying it.
The monitoring of fauna by means of camera traps allows to understand the habitat conditions and the behavior of species, particularly those that are nocturnal or are elusive to the human eye. Frequently, images captured by these movement-sensitive devices, arranged tactically in places visited by wild animals such as watering […]
The Department of Education and Development of the National Council of Protected Areas (CONAP), Peten Region, has a Training Plan aimed at specific target groups.
The use and commercialization of ramón seed generates revenues for the local population derived from the forest and thus motivates its protection. With the collection of non-timber resources, such as ramón seed, natural resources are used in a sustainable way, without causing damage to the forest ecosystem.
It is expected to consolidate a tool for continuous improvement in the Selva Maya protected areas management, according to the same comparative scheme between Mexico, Guatemala and Belize governments, using internationally recognized standards, such as the Green List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
On the occasion of the International Honey Bee Day, a fair of small and medium-sized companies was held in Flores, Guatemala on May 20th. The event was organized by the Mesa de Miel de Petén, a coordination entity to manage and strengthen beekeeping in which government institutions, apicultural producers and […]
In order to coordinate joint actions for the prevention and control of forest fires in the border area between Guatemala and Belize, a meeting was held on May 3, 2018 at the offices of the Organization of American States (OAS).
As part of the Project Protection and Sustainable Use of the Selva Maya, specifically in the component Sustainable Alternatives for income generation, the German Cooperation / GIZ collaborates with partner institutions in the development and strenthening of various agricultural production alternatives in the buffer zones of the Mayan Biosphere Reserve […]
With the objective of promoting the exchange of information and experiences among beekeepers of Cayo Quality Honey Producers Cooperative Society Limited (CQHPC) of Belize and the Beekeepers Network of Bala’an K’aax, a meeting took place in Ejido Sabana San Francisco, Quintana Roo, Mexico, from April 18 to 21, 2018.